What's On at Broughton Pavilion.
Here you will find all the listings and clubs that are running from Broughton Pavilion on a regular basis, along with contact details.
Contact details
Chipmonks Pre-School
Tel: 07873342783
Email: chipmonkslimited@yahoo.com
Lion Pride Tang Soo Do
Contact: Adam Preston
E-mail: a.preston.btsdf@hotmail.com
Email: bedsbucks@socatots.co.uk
Little Amigos Baby & Toddler Group
Email: broughtonbrownies1@outlook.com
Explorer Scouts
14- 18 yrs
Conexus Tutoring
Tel: 01908 597941
The Company of Art’s
Principle: Melanie Bull
Email: bull.melanie@icloud.com
Call/text: 07852 150205
Satyam Dance and Music School
Email: debbie@satyamdance.com
Lets Go TKD Sport Dojang 力高跆拳道
Tel: 07825 980599
Email: letsgotkdsportuk@gmail.com
Cha Char Chimps
Tel: 07872 114077
Email: Dizi@ccchimps.com
Broughton, Cubs & Scouts
Cubs - 8–10½ yrs
Scouts - 10½–14 yrs