Report It!
How to report things in your community, physical things such as abandoned shopping trolleys, graffiti and full dog poop bins or sensitive issues such as hate crime, domestic abuse or safeguarding. We hope that we can provide you with all the information here to be able to let the right people know.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Anti -social behaviour is defined as “Behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress”. Examples can include
Nuisance associated with the selling of drugs or drug substance misuse
Acts of harassment
Racist behaviour, language or graffiti
Acts or threats of discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, ethnic origin, illness or disability
Using or threatening to use violence
Writing or displaying graffiti or literature that is threatening, abusive or insulting
Sending communication that is threatening, abusive, racist or insulting
If you feel you have been a victim of ASB and need advice, contact the ASB team: on 01908 252937, email or Thames Valley Police on 101.
Community Trigger
A Community Trigger gives victims the ability to request a review of their case, where the locally defined threshold is met.
If you have already reported three incidents of anti-social behaviour in the last six months to the council, police or your social housing provider and feel that the issues have not been resolved, you can request a Community Trigger review of your case.
If you would like to request a Community Trigger please complete the online Community Trigger Request Form below.
Terrorist Activity
Every year thousands of reports from the public help the police keep communities safe from terrorism.
If you’ve seen or heard something that could potentially be related to terrorism, trust your instincts and report it. Your actions could save lives.
In an emergency, or if you need urgent police assistance, you should always dial 999.
You can also report suspicious activity by contacting the police in confidence on 0800 789 321.
Hate Crime
What is hate crime?
A hate crime is when someone commits a crime against you because of your disability, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other perceived difference.
It doesn’t always include physical violence. Someone using offensive language towards you or harassing you because of who you are, or who they think you are, is also a crime.
The same goes for someone posting abusive or offensive messages about you online.
Milton Keynes City Council A-C
You can contact Milton Keynes Council to report many issues:
Abandoned and sublet properties
Abandoned vehicles
Benefit change of circumstances
Benefit fraud
Blocked Sewers
Comments, compliments and complaints
Council Tax Change of Circumstances (moving home)
Milton Keynes City Council D-F
Dead animals in public places
Dumped rubbish and abandoned shopping trolleys
Empty home
Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA) new arrivals notification form
Flooding and Drainage Issues
Food complaints
Food related complaint
Fraud Referral
Milton Keynes City Council G-O
Grass cutting
Hazardous debris on roads and broken glass
Health and safety
Highways maintenance issues
Housing repair
Landscaping, Parks, and Open Spaces
Littering/litter bins and dog fouling
Missed refuse and recycling collections
Noise complaints
Object to planning application
Milton Keynes City Council P-R
Parks and open spaces
Pest control
Planning appeals
Planning enforcement inquiry
Play Areas
Pre-application advice for planning
Private trees/shrubs overhanging the highway
Public health - sewers and drains
Roads, footways and redways
Milton Keynes City Council S-W
Safeguarding adults
Shrub maintenance
Signs, street name plates, posts, bollards and mirrors on highway
Street lighting
Tobacco - sellers of counterfeit, foreign labelled or illegal tobacco
Traffic lights, pedestrians and zebra crossings
Unauthorised encampments
Underage sales
Winter maintenance
Communities have a big part to play in recognising abuse, if you suspect anyone is a victim then please contact one of the helplines below.
You will always be taken seriously and protection and support is available. You can also report it to Thames Valley Police online or by telephone on 101 at any time to report an incident.
Should you wish to remain anonymous you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Always call 999 if there is a crime in action or immediate threat to life.
Modern Day Slavery
Modern slavery could be happening in your community so it’s important you know the signs that could indicate someone is a victim of this crime.
The signs aren’t always obvious but there are some that you may notice:
Do they look scruffy, malnourished or injured?
Are they acting anxious, afraid or unable to make eye contact?
are they doing long hours, wearing unsuitable clothing or have the wrong equipment for the job?
Is where they are living overcrowded, poorly maintained or are the curtains always closed?
Do they behave like they’re being instructed by someone else, picked up / dropped off at the same time and place every day or don’t have access to money or identification
To report a suspicion or seek advice you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700. This is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Concerns about a child
If you are worried about a child in Milton Keynes please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01908 253169/253170 for advice or to make a referral, 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm Friday.
The out of hours Emergency Social work team can be contacted on 01908 265545.
If you are concerned a child is at immediate risk of harm please call Thames Valley Police on 999. If you require advice from Thames Valley police or to report a crime, please dial 101.
NSPCC - Helpline 0808 800 5000
ChildLine - Free, confidential advice and support for children 18 and under 0800 1111
Domestic Violence
The Home Office defines domestic violence and abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to:
MK Act - A local charity that has been helping victims of domestic abuse in Mk for 40 years.
Helpline - 0344 375 4307 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hours)
0808 2000 247